Monday, October 26, 2009

How To: Trade Your Sanity for a Novel in One Month

Well, I haven't been posting as much as I should lately, what with rehearsals and Halloween costume-making and procrastination and such. I haven't even made the things I want to send out to my partners for the shop blog and swap yet, which is horrible! It's proving a lot harder than I thought it would be. But I WILL get them sent out by the end of the month, never fear!

Another thing that's taking up a bunch of my time is preparing for November, which, as some of you may know, is National Novel Writing Month. If you are a writer, but have never been a WriMo, you might want to try it out. It's a month-long writing marathon... goal: 50,000 words. You can't start until midnight, the morning of Nov. 1st, and you must stop at the end of the 30th. It's based on the idea that if you really want to get something done, you need a goal and a deadline. It's crazy, sleepless, productive fun!

For more information, check out the website...

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